Potential buyer must be adult persons with developmental disabilities who currently receive services in Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA), Home Based Support Program (HB)/Supportive Living Services (SLS), Developmental Training (DT) or Supportive Employment (SEP) Programs through Department of Human Services/Office of Developmental Disabilities grant funded providers.

  • Potential buyer or buyers (up to 3) may purchase together and desire to own their own home.
  • Buyer’s service provider must certify that they will help with the needs of the homebuyer to ensure success.
  • Homebuyer(s) must be at or below 50% of the median local income--for example-- the median income in Chicago for two people is $30,000.
  • Homebuyer(s) housing costs must not exceed 30% of their total income—for example—if Buyer A and Buyer B want to buy a home together they must make under $30,000 together as referenced above. If the two buyers both receive Social Security Income (SSI) @ $545 per month totaling $1090 and Buyer A makes $45 per week working in the workshop, this amounts to a monthly income total of $1170. 30% of $1170 is $351 to cover principal, interest, taxes and insurance costs of a home. Family members or others may contribute additional funds to help “buy down” the mortgage also to make the home purchase more affordable.
  • Buyer(s) must have acceptable credit history to qualify for this grant and loan program.
  • All home purchases must be single family, duplex, or condominium.
  • Each buyer will receive mandatory housing counseling with the provider’s housing specialist to review home maintenance, emergency plans, budget review, insurance for the home, utility payments, etc.
  • Ideally, homebuyer(s) would show a reduction in monthly housing costs (versus renting) but this may not always be the case.
  • Sources of income may be:
    • Social Security
    • Disability
    • Wages from work
    • Supplemental Security Income
    • Any other sources (gifts, inheritance, trust funds)